
Sunday, April 3, 2011

Mom and Pops

Both of my parents sent me pictures today of what they've been up to lately. Since they've been up to some pretty cool stuff I thought I'd share!

My dad has been teaching in Italy all semester and likes to make me feel bad for not coming to see him. If I weren't a poor graduate student I could have visited him over spring break and seen some awesome ancient Grecian ruins in southern Italy

Now on to mums, my mom and her friends are crazy and they are in the parade in Jackson, MS every year where they dress up in crazy costumes and do who knows what! This year there was a porta potty decorating contest (don't ask) and since their group is from Auburn they decorated it Toomer's corner style!

I love my parents! They keep life interesting and fabulous!

1 comment:

  1. I love the new look & I also love your parents. Can I have your dad's job?
