
Friday, April 29, 2011

Heavy Heart

I'm sure you all know what has been going on throughout the southeast the past few days. If you do, go here. It's been a very surreal and hearth breaking experience and I'm just so thankful to be alive and well. It is 10 times worse here in Tuscaloosa that I ever thought it could be was until I went down to the sight of some of the worse damage. I really don't know what to say, so I'll leave you with a picture, a quote and a way that you can help.

What's left of Big Lots

"We may not be the smartest, or the skinniest, and we may like football too much, and eat too many fried foods, but, you can’t put a number on or measure this state’s fighting spirit and I’ll be damned if we aren’t  one of the most resilient states in the union.  So, let’s show our world and country and mother nature what we’re made of and demonstrate what it means to be from the GREAT STATE OF ALABAMA!  ROLL TIDE ROLL AND WAR DAMN EAGLE!"- Reagan D.

If you have money to donate please donate it to the Red Cross. They can send it DIRECTLY to Alabama relief efforts. If you're short on cash but have old clothes, bottled water, granola bars, etc. that you aren't using, please take them to your local church.

I love you all and I'm so glad you're all safe and sound.

Monday, April 25, 2011

In Other News

When I Google image searched "cinnamon bagel" this little guy was pretty high on the list


I hope this made you laugh and much as it did me!

Weekend Update

I hope everyone had a fantastic Easter weekend! I sure did. Even though I didn't get to spend it with any blood relatives my family of friends took good care of me and made it a wonderful few days. Unfortunately, being the terrible blogger that I am, I forgot to take ANY pictures. Not-a one. So I'll just have to borrow some to illustrate the good times I had.

On Saturday morning I got up and meet my dear friends Codi and Alison for breakfast at Big Blue Bagel.  
I had a delicious Cinnamon bagel and some hot tea
We gawked at a couple of these walking by. (They had their shirts on. sigh)

And caught up on all of the juicy gossip 
After Breakfast, that turned into lunch, I hit up The Gap. They were having a HUGE sale (extra 40% off of everything) and I got a ton of sweaters for like $3! It was pretty fantastic. 

Later that night, some friends came over and...

We ate a TON of food. I made Paula Deans brie en croute and it was mighty tasty 
Drank some wine
And watched the Lifetime movie William and Kate. It was ridiculous! 
(I think he said something funny!)

On Sunday morning I celebrated the fruits of the ultimate sacrifice during a beautiful church service. I then enjoyed a big Easter lunch with the Rummers and this crazy lady

And got to see (via Skype) my friend Jennifer's new baby. Isn't he precious!

What a great weekend! Happy Monday, y'all!

Friday, April 22, 2011

Dinner for one

I came home for Easter to a big empty house. My parents are on a cruise (I'm super jealous), so I decided to take the day off from people and get some shopping, homework, and cooking done. I made an excellent pasta dish that I got from my friend Whitney, who is an awesome cook! I bought some yummy wine from World Market, cozied up on the couch, and thoroughly enjoyed my dinner. Yay for me time!


I was flipping through Better Homes and Gardens Magazine (yes, we've already established that I'm an old woman) and I saw this ad...

At first glance I got very excited! Thinking this was some kind of fried cheese appetizer or possibly corn nuggets (who doesn't love corn nuggets? I mean, come on.). Upon further inspection though I read the not so fine print and saw this...

Popcorn fish is the MOST disappointing food item this could have turned out to be. I was pretty upset.

Wednesday, April 20, 2011

Rain, Rain, Go Away

This is what happens when you leave your rain jacket in your boyfriend's car and your umbrella in your mom's car and you have to where a suit to school. Not pretty. The trench coat makes me look like a flasher. WHOO! (This is the sound I hear when I imagine flashing someone. Okay, this is getting weird...)

P.S. This weekly thunderstorm business is getting old. Sunshine, please come back!

Monday, April 11, 2011

Fam Love

Look a shopping trip to Target today. Saw this.

Nuff said.

Good Ol' Fashion Fun

Amidst long hours of spreadsheet modeling and paper writing, the Boy and I took some time out to partake in one of the retirement home's most beloved traditions.

I love a good puzzle! The Boy got a little bored and ended up watching Family Guy but I enjoy having an fun, challenging task whose outcome will not have real life repercussions. Isn't nice to get away... (Cheers anyone? Yeshs, I am getting old!) Anyway, that's what I did this weekend and I'm pretty proud of my masterpiece! :) 

Dear E! Network,

You are ridiculous! 

In case you didn't know, the prince of England is not a celebrity and we really don't care how many days there are until the royal wedding. I especially don't need to be constantly reminded during Chelsea Lately. Sometimes you're just exhausting!

A concerned viewer

Friday, April 8, 2011

Meet Coco

This morning we packed up the pup and headed up (down?) to the Ham. Clay had to take two computer certification tests (which he passes, YAY!) and I decided to tag along. While Clay was busy testing I got to visit with my cousin Sarah who lives in a cute old house downtown. Sarah has a very mischievous kitty named Coco and Coco really wasn't so sure about having a pup take over her house. The whole time I was there she never let Reggie out of her sight and was constantly batting at him and trying to sniff his bum. They were hilarious together and this picture just really makes me laugh!

You gotta watch out for those kitties, they are sneaky little boogers!

Apartment Love

There are a lot of things I really love about my apartment. One of them is how beautiful the grounds are. They do an excellent job of landscaping and making it feel homey! I love taking Reggie out every morning and looking at these beauties...

It's the little things in life.

Tuesday, April 5, 2011


I joined Etsy today! I have nothing to sell but I could spend hours browsing. I came across this gem and laughed out loud for a solid minute.

The name of this scarf is the Bacon and Eggs Skinny Scarf. Love it! 

If you're a frequent Etsy buyer you may want to check out the website to make sure you're not getting ripped off. Or you should just go there anyway because it's funny!

Sunday, April 3, 2011

Mom and Pops

Both of my parents sent me pictures today of what they've been up to lately. Since they've been up to some pretty cool stuff I thought I'd share!

My dad has been teaching in Italy all semester and likes to make me feel bad for not coming to see him. If I weren't a poor graduate student I could have visited him over spring break and seen some awesome ancient Grecian ruins in southern Italy

Now on to mums, my mom and her friends are crazy and they are in the parade in Jackson, MS every year where they dress up in crazy costumes and do who knows what! This year there was a porta potty decorating contest (don't ask) and since their group is from Auburn they decorated it Toomer's corner style!

I love my parents! They keep life interesting and fabulous!

Saturday, April 2, 2011


My friend Whitney told me about this website. They have designer clothes, makeup, furniture, etc. for up to 80% off! Today I bought some cute springy clothes for cheapcheap! You should check it out! and if you want to sign up for it let me know because I get a coupon for referring friends!

I love the coral and the stripes! It can also double as a game day top. Only $10!

Luckily, I snatched this one up before it sold out. I love springy sun dresses! Only $16!
Happy Saturday!


Yesterday I parked under a power line and this is what happened...

This pretty much sums up my week. I hope everyone else's was much better!