
Thursday, July 26, 2012

Hello World

After a week of packing and moving and ignoring the rest of the world, I'm finally connected to the internet at the new house. I'll tell you what. It felt pretty good not really having internet or TV for a week but I'm glad to be able to catch up on what's been going on in the world. I spent almost an hour on buzzfeed this morning. I know, I'm really into the hard-hitting news these days. 

Anyway, after a bit of a u-haul disaster, moving went pretty well. Boxes are slowly being unpacked and it's really starting to look like a home. 

I'll get around to posting some pictures soon. Until then, Have a happy Thursday!

Thursday, July 19, 2012

Friday the 13th*

*I wrote this post on Friday but for some reason it's wouldn't load and I haven't really had time to mess with it until now. Sorry for the delay!

Is it a bad omen that we are closing on the house on Friday the 13th? 

I sure hope not! I'm so stinking excited about moving back to Auburn and being a homeowner! Here is a picture of mine and Clay's sweet, little house. 

Packing stinks but we'll be loading up the U-Haul on Saturday and heading back to the plains and I couldn't be more excited!

Tuesday, July 10, 2012


With all of the free time I've found myself with lately, I've been crafting up a storm. 

My first project started when I wanted to make something to put on the big, empty wall in the new kitchen. At first I wanted to paint pictures of fruits and veggies. Then painting turned it to cross stitch, which turned out to be WAY too time consuming. So I ended up painting my own kitchen prints based off some I saw on the internet. Here is the finished product, unframed, and not on the walls. I got some ridiculously cheep ($1.99!) frames at IKEA this weekend!

From the left they say: "everything taste better with butter", "Made with love", "Eat well, Laugh often, Love always", "Everyone loves to be kneaded", and "Live with zest". I'm pretty happy with how they turned out! 

I also taught myself how to crochet, via Youtube, and have been working on lots of projects. I made a bowtie collar for Reggie, my friend Emily's new puppy, Wally, and my sister's roommate's dog. Here's Reggie looking very dapper. 

And a bonus! This is my sister's roommate's dog, Griffin. He looks like an ewok! 

My final project was a granny square blanket. I only made 35 squares so it's a pretty small blanket but I think it turned out great! Here is a link to the video I used to make it.