
Monday, August 20, 2012

Green grass

Alright, I'll get my apologies out of the way at the beginning here. Sorry for not posting in forever. Life has been a little bit crazy pants and I've been having issues with blogger. My laptop is currently serving as our TV and I can't, for the life of me, figure out how to post pictures to blogger from the iPad. If anyone has any suggestions, I'd appreciate them!

Anyway, like I said, a lot of stuff has been going on lately. I have some fun pictures to share but they will have to wait until another post. Today I wanted to share a song lyric I heard on the radio today that I really loved. I couldn't even tell you who the artist was and I probably should have looked it up before posting this to give the artist due credit, but I'm lazy and I didn't. Here is the lyric:

"The grass is always greener on the other side. No, the grass is greenest where you water it."

This quote really resonated with me and I think it's because envy has always been something I've struggled with. When times get tough I tend to compare my life to other peoples lives and play the dangerous "what if" game. That game never ends well. I think that these are great words to remember. Success and happiness take a lot of time, nurturing, attention, and cultivating. Don't be envious of others, work hard with the tools God gave you and enjoy your green grass!