
Wednesday, July 27, 2011

Who's that girl?

Hello all!

I just got back from an amazing long weekend at the beach with some great folks! Unfortunately, I dropped my Blackberry for the 200000000th time and broke the trackpad so no pictures. Boo! Also, if you've been trying to text me the past few days, I haven't gotten them so I'm sorry if I haven't responded. Please call or email instead. I didn't realize how much I rely on getting my e-mail instantaneously until I now. It's kind of sad how addicted I am.

Anyway, since I take all of my pictures with my phone, I'm going to play a game with you all that my lovely friend Codi loves to play on her blog. It's not really a game but it's call "Spot the child actor all grown up" (I just made that up. I'm sure Codi has a much better name for it.)

I was watching Independence Day a few weeks ago and recognized this little cutie...
This 1st daughter, is none other than Mae Whitman. 

A.K.A. Ann from Arrested Development (Oh, the awkward, cubby stages...)
Roxy from Scott Pilgram vs. The World (A fiesty little one)
and Amber from Parenthood
I've never watched Parenthood, but I highly recommend Arrested Development and Scott Pilgrim.

Happy Wednesday Everyone!

Thursday, July 14, 2011

Birthday Fun

Last Wednesday was my birthday! Yay! Thanks to everyone who sent me kind wishes! To celebrate the day, Clay and Brad and I went tubing down the Cahaba River. It was probably the most redneck thing I've ever done but we had a blast! Here are some pictures from the day.

The scenery was very nice in Nowheresville, Alabama. There were even turtles sunbathing.
 Happy Birthday to me!
 Clay double-fisting the "champagne of beers"
 I kept trying to get a picture of both of them but we were all tied together and it was difficult to get far enough away to take a good picture. Oh well.

If you're ever in Centerville (I can almost guarantee you wont ever be) and feel like taking a redneck adventure down the river, I can recommend a fun place to tube.

Wednesday, July 6, 2011

I'm Back!

I know, I know, I've been a stinker-do blogger as of late. I warned you in the beginning that I'm not very good at New Years resolutions, but you didn't listen. Anywho, it's not that I haven't had anything to write about. I've actually been pretty busy and been on a few blog worthy adventures. I just kind of got out of the swing of things, but NEVER FEAR I've stepped up to bat and am ready to play!

Like I said earlier, I have several things to blog about and will post them in good time. However, today is my birthday (yay!, wait boo! I'm 23. Lame.) and I'm going to play! I will leave you with this blast from the past. I was driving home from work yesterday and I heard this song on the radio and it just made me smile. I don't think you can hear this song and not feel good.

Happy Wednesday, loves!