
Saturday, March 17, 2012

My New Friend

About once a month (I should go more) I try to volunteer at the Tuscaloosa Metro Animal Shelter. I got involved with them after the storm because there were a ton of lost animals that needed help to and I'm much better at dealing with sad animals than sad people. Anyway, I wanted to introduce all of you to my very good friend, Charlie. 

Charlie and his sister were abandoned by their owner in November because she just couldn't afford to take care of the little guys any longer. Charlie is 15 years old, which is very old in kitty cat years and he also very round, lazy, and sweet. The shelter fell in love with these sweethearts and decided to not adopt them out and just let them live at the shelter. They are so chill (see picture above), they just lay around in the lobby and wait for passersby to pet them.

I wish I weren't allergic to cats so that Charlie could come live with me because I feel like we are kindred spirits (I mean, look at the guy. We'd get along great!) For now though, he is my motivator to volunteer more and help out all of his furry friends at the shelter! 

PSA: Adopt, volunteer at, or donate to you local shelter. They work really hard, are fantastic people, and do great work!

Wednesday, March 7, 2012

Thoughts on Breakfast

A few weeks ago I woke up when my alarm went off, sludged groggily into the kitchen and pulled out my go-to easy breakfast, a granola bar. When I looked at the wrapper (pictured below) I realized something...

...there was a picture of a Jonas brother on my breakfast. I think this was a sign that it was time for me to stop eating like a 10 year old and graduate to a more adult breakfast food.

Today I when had a morning meeting and decided to grab some breakfast afterwards, I thought back on my JoBro granola and decided to opt for a more adult option. A strawberry scone and cup of hot tea!

I feel so grown up.

And British.