
Tuesday, December 13, 2011

Christmas Movie Rundown

Howdy all! It's that time of the year again. The air is getting chilly (boo), flocks of people are heading to shopping malls, I've gained five pounds from eating homemade gifts (toffee and fudge. yummy!), and you can't go anywhere without hearing "Jingle Bells". That's right, we're getting closer and closer to Christmas. In honor of this joyous occasion, I've complied a list of my top 5 favorite Christmas movies. Enjoy!

5. White Christmas (1954) 
Why it's great: This movie is definitely a Christmas classic! I can't go a Christmas season without getting "Sisters" stuck in my head at least 12 times (which is weird because "Sisters" isn't a Christmas song). You all know that I love a good musical and any musical that combines classic beauties and Christmas means that I'm in!
When I watch it: This is usually the movie my family has playing in the background on Christmas day. Not A Christmas Story. That movie is dumb. Sorry.
Favorite Quote: When Phil says, "I want you to get married. I want you to have nine children. And if you only spend five minutes a day with each kid, that's forty-five minutes, and I'd at least have time to go out and get a massage or something."

4. The Santa Clause (1994)

Why it's great: I think Tim Allen is a pretty funny dude and this movie was made at the peak of his popularity. It's a unique Christmas story with very funny and also very touching moments. I also love Judy the elf. She was so precious.
When I watch it: I actually watched this movie the other night on ABC family. I don't own it so I try to catch it at least once or twice a season on TV.
Favorite scene: When Scott Calvin goes to work in his sweats for the first time after he's gained a significant amount of weight. I love his co-worker's snarky reactions.

3. Elf (2003)

Why it's great: All of you Will Ferrell haters can just get over it. I love him and he is so ridiculous and that's what makes this movie so great. There are so many wonderful quotes from this movie and the cast is just stellar.
When I watch it: I've also already watched this movie too! I usually watch this one with my sis while we're both home for Christmas. 
Favorite scene: When Buddy is leaving the North Pole and the whale pops out of the water to say "Bye Buddy, hope you find your dad."

2. Love Actually (2003)

Why it's great:I'm not sure if other people consider this a Christmas movie but I sure do! I love all of the story lines (Jamie and Aurelia's story is my favorite) and the cast is filled with all of my favorite Brits. It's a great movie, just a little awkward to watch with your parents!
When I watch it:The sis an I always watch this on Christmas Eve. I usually watch it on my own a few times throughout the year though. It's really one of my all time favorites.
Favorite Quote:"You mean to tell me there was more than one lobster present at the birth of Jesus Christ?"- said by the lovely lady in the photo below. Btw, doesn't she look like Hilary Clinton in this shot?

And the number one Christmas movie is...

.......drumroll please......

1. National Lampoon's Christmas Vacation (1989)

Why it's great: I don't even know where to start. If you have any weird family members you will be able to relate to this movie. Every time I watch it I pick up on something new. It's just filled with comedy gems and perfect one liners. 
When I watch it:Part of the Smith family Christmas tradition is watching this movie on Christmas Eve. I refuse to watch it before hand because it is such a sacred ritual.
Favorite scene:Please see the photo below. If you've never seen the movie, watch the video below. The look it Chevy Chase's eyes is wildly frightening.

Happy Christmas Movie watching!

Monday, December 5, 2011

Everything else I've been up to

While I was busy documenting my gratitude, a few other fun life moments happened. Let me fill you in...

I went to a legitimate fashion show. A UA fashion design student was selected to be in the final four of this challenge put on my Marie Claire Magazine and she got to put on a full scale fashion show. You can read more about it here. It was pretty ballin' and I got an awesome goody bag!
Like I said, Legit!

All of the clothes were from The Loft. I wanted them all!

I also got to see everyone on my mom's side of the family, which was great because we don't all get together that often. This is my cousin's adorable two year old. Isn't she presh! Don't you just want to squeeze her!

I got to hang out with this little booger. I caught him sleeping under my covers. No wonder he made me sneeze all weekend. Punk.

I went to the Iron Bowl. If only Reggie had been playing in the game. Clearly he's good at eating elephants. 

I got to spend time with my sissy! 

I met Carmen. She's the absolute best. The perfect combination of soft and sweet.

I got to hang out with these lovelies (and some other lovelies who are not pictured). 

I put up my Christmas decoration! I bought an adorable miniature live pine but accidentally left it in Auburn. Sad day. I did get to put out my lovely, white porcelain tree though. This picture is the result of me tinkering with the settings on my camera phone. I think I should just stick to the basics from now on...

Overall, I'd call November a successful month. Happy December Everyone!

Thankful Conclusion

Well, we are now 5 days into December so I think it's a little past time that I wrap up my thankful series. I could spend hours, days, months, years counting my blessings. I feel so fortunate for so many thing and this month of thanksgiving only scratched the surface. I'm so glad we have a holiday solely dedicated to remember just how good life is. Remember to be thankful always.

Yay Life!