
Monday, February 20, 2012

And So It Begins

Wedding season started early for me this year. I've already been to two events and have at least 20 more before the end of March. Good thing I love weddings or I'd get sick of all of this really fast. 

This past weekend my friend Emily from Tiger Eyes got married in Auburn. Unfortunately, it rained cats and dogs all day but the ceremony and reception were still beautiful and don't they say it's good luck to have rain on your wedding day? 

Her theme was cherry blossoms and all of the tables had these gorgeous centerpieces. They went very well with the rustic setting at the Moore's Mill Club. 

I got to spend lots of time with my former roommate and beautiful friend, Dawn! 

Me and my beau 

The groom's cake was this cute Toomer's tree! It tasted delicious too! 

Me and the beautiful bride! She looked like a princess. Her gown poofed out huge at the bottom. It was very Emily. 

The bride and groom cutting the cake 

It was such a nice wedding and I'm looking forward to so many more in the near future!

Wednesday, February 15, 2012

These Days

Last Friday night my friends Whitney and Steph and I put on our cowboy boots and drove to the Ham to see Rascal Flatts, Sara Evans, and Hunter Hayes in concert for Whitney's birthday. I had already seen Rascal Flatts in concert a few years ago so I knew it was going to be a great show! One of the things I love about country music is that the artist can actually sing and sound great live. No one auto-tunes, there isn't a lot of dancing to tire them out, it's really just all about the voice.

Needless to say, we had a fantastic time! Here are some pictures of the fun...

 Hunter Hayes was the opening act and he was absolutely precious. I didn't really know much about him because he's new to the country music scene. He's actually written several hits (including ones on Rascal Flatts' albums) and has just now released his own album. He was quite the cutie but I'm pretty sure he was born in the 90's (jail bate!). You should check out his song "Storm Warning"!  (If I were a good blogger I would have his song playing in the background but I'm too lazy to figure out how to do that.) 

Next up was Sara Evans, which was a lot of fun because she lives in Birmingham and all of her family and friends were there. She has 7 kids and they put a spotlight on all of them jumping up and down and screaming. It was really cute. Anyway, this girl can really belt it out. She was phenomenal!

Finally Rascal Flatts came on and sang all my favorite songs! They had on some absolutely ridiculous outfits on (picture a rhinestone POW/MIA shirt with white pants. Yeah.) but I forgave them and rocked out anyway. Unfortunately, this was the only picture we got of the 3 of us and it is a low quality iPhone pic. I didn't trust any of the people sitting around us with my camera. There was a lot of alcohol floating around our section.

After the concert I came home to these lovely flowers from my Valentine! Yay weekend!

Tuesday, February 14, 2012

I Promise..

...I'm still alive and I will be posting again soon! It's late for me though and instead of uploading pictures I'm going to go to bed. I just wanted to let you know what I didn't go away forever because I was too embarrassed to post again after my great contact debacle.


I hope everyone had a fantastic Valentine's Day! Clay had a fever so Reg and I spent the night watching Teen Mom 2. It was good times.