
Friday, October 28, 2011

Fall TV: Part II

Today I'm going to finish my post about the fall TV shows that I'm watching by talking about the shows that I've been watching for years and new shows that I didn't make the cut.

First off, I'm going to appologize in advance for this being such a long post. Sorry.

Now onto the good stuff! Most of these shows I've watched from season 1 and feel like they are my old pals coming back to make me laugh every week (is that creepy? I hope not.) In no particular order, here's what I'm watching:
 Community: Season 3
Premise: This show follows an eclectic bunch of students attending community college and is known for its abundance of pop culture referenced and paint-ball episodes.
Why you should watch it: Troy (Donald Glover) is hilarious. I almost pee my pants every time he talks. I also love how this show doesn't take itself too seriously and the pop culture references are really fantastic.
What could be improved: This season has dragged a little bit compared to seasons 1 and 2. Also, I'm a little tired on the Jeff/Annie ambiguous relationship. Been there, done that.
 Family Guy: Season 10
Premise:I think we all know what family guy is about. It's not really about anything, just a bunch of random jokes.
Why you should watch it: I love it when Brian acts like a dog or when dog things happen to him (as illustrated in the photo above).
What could be improved: While this show has its flaw (ridiculously long fight scenes, Conway Twitty, vulgarity, etc.), I always get a good chuckle from it. 
 Modern Family: Season 3
Premise: This show follows the lives a the extended Pritchett-Dunphy clan as they try to raise their children, make You-tube videos, build play houses, and hide their husband's creepy dog butler.
Why you should watch it: This show has the most amazing cast on television. Every single adult cast member was nominated for an Emmy and two of them won! Also, the children are incredibly funny and the writing is heart warming. It's good ole fashioned family fun!
What could be improved: The first season of this show knocked it out of the park. Last season was pretty weak, but this seasons is picking up some of what season 2 lost. My advise to the writers is don't recycle story line. Please.
 The Sing Off: Season 3 (the first full season)
Premise: The Sing Off is a reality competition show where acappella groups from around the country come to compete in a voices only extravaganza.
Why you should watch it: Forget American Idol, for the X Factor, this show is the REAL DEAL. The vocal talent on this show is out of control and I find myself wanting every group to win. Also, the judges are a lot of fun and actually knowledgeable in their field (I'm looking at you Dancing With The Stars!) and Nick Lechey is super awkward but it works!
What could be improved: I don't like the bracket system of eliminations on this show. One bracket always seems to be stacked, which usually means an undeserving group has to go home.

 Survivor: South Pacific (Season 23)
Premise: Again, I think we all know the premise of survivor. 20 people go out into the jungle for 39 days. The last one standing wins $1 Million. (Disclaimer: I have not watched all 23 seasons. I'm on my 4th season)
Why you should watch it: You really get to see human nature in its most raw and basic form here. In the jungle, nothing else matters and the people's true colors show through. It's really a fascinating social experiment. Also, the challenges are pretty fun to watch. In the challenge pictured above, players had tear hunks of meat off of a pig using only their teeth. It was disgusting.
What could be improved: They have added another element in the past two seasons called "Redemption Island" where players have to opportunity to get back into the game. It's lame and takes time away from watching players for strategic alliance.

The Office: Season --
Premise: The Office is a mocumentary that follow the lives of the employees who work at Dunder-Mufflin Paper Company.
Why you should watch it: This show has some of the best comedic moments on television but it also falls flat sometimes. This season has followed that same recipe but I have faith that it will pick up as we go along. Last nights Halloween episode was a winner!
What could be improved: I can really feel the absence of Steve Carell this season but I think the writers can tighten this season up a bit as we go along.

I noticed that almost all of my returning shows are comedies. I usually prefer to watch dramas on DVD so that I don't have to wait until the next week to find out what happens. I'm impatient like that.

Here are three shows that I began watching at the beginning of September, but for whatever reason have decided to move on and make room in the DVR for something better.
 Two Broke Girls
What went wrong: The leads in this show were very well cast but unfortunately it is a CBS comedy, which almost always means that the writing is cheesy and stupid. I can only here so many jokes about male reproductive organs in the span of 30 minutes.  

What went wrong: Yikes. This show is really just terrible. I had high hopes for it at first because I think Whitney Cummings is a hilarious comedian.Unfortunately, some comedians cannot act very well and her supporting cast does nothing to help a sister out. Sorry Whitney, I'll still fondly remember your days on Chelsea Lately.

Playboy Club
What went wrong: Clay and I were actually really enjoying Playboy Club and it was doing a good job of taking the edge off of missing Mad Men. Apparently we were the only people who watched the show thought. After just 3 episodes NBC pulled the plug on this fun period piece. I guess I'll never know if the foxy Nick Dalton succeeds in covering up a murder of a Chicago mob boss and becomes a state judge. Sad Day.

And there you have it boys and girls. I hope you give some of these shows a shot or at least You-tube clips from the Sing Off in your spare time! Happy Friday everyone!

Thursday, October 27, 2011

Fall TV

It is a well known fact that I love TV and watch more than I should. However, it is a little known fact that I use to have a TV blog where I reviewed current shows and relived some of my favorite classic TV moments. In honor of my bloggy past, I'm going to talk a little bit about the shows I'm watching this fall season.

Disclaimer: There are A LOT of shows on this list. Please don't think that all I do is sit around and watch TV all day. Clay and I are very efficient in our TV watching. We make great use of the DVR and On-Demand. I spend most of my time during the day at meetings, working on projects, or studying. I try to get all of my work done before 7. We usually spend from 7-9 on Tuesday-Thursday watching shows and then catch up on everything else on Sunday. I try not to be irresponsible with my hobby so please don't judge me.

Okay, now that I've explained myself, I'm going to scare you all with my ridiculously long list. If you don't watch TV or don't care at all about any of this. Feel free to skip it. You wont hurt my feeling!

First off, I have taken on the daunting task of adding 6 new shows to my fall line up this year. AH! I'll start with the new shows and put them in order from my favorite to least favorite.

My favorite new show of the season is ABC's Suburgatory.
Premise: A father decides to move himself and his daughter out of the city and into the suburbs of Manhattan after her finds condoms in her dresser. Now Tessa (Played by newcomer, Jane Levy) is stuck in a land where girls wear bump-its and velor track suits and moms call the police where their Shirley Temple doll collection is stolen. Think "Mean Girls" as a TV series. 
Why it's great: I love a fun, light comedy and ABC always delivers on that genre. The cast on this show is perfect and deliver every line flawlessly. Cheryl Hines is absolute perfection playing one of the typical suburb moms, Dallas.
Where it needs improvement: This show is pretty much spot on. I really have nothing to complain about.

Next on my list, is the CW's Ringer, staring Sarah Michelle Geller. 
Premise: Bridget is a recovering drug addict/Ex-stripper who witnessed a murder and is now running from the FBI. She seeks refuge with her estranged twin sister, Shibon. When Shibon kills herself, Bridget assumes her identity and all hell breaks loose. It's the classic switch-a-roo with a deadly twist.
Why it's great: SMG delivers a solid performance every week and all of the supporting characters are extremely compelling. The show always keeps me on my toes with various plot twists and turns.
Where it needs improvement: You have to suspend reality to believe this show, which can be annoying at times. Also, Shibon's step daughter is a really B and her storyline is pretty uninteresting.

Premise: TV producer (Christina Applegate) and lawyer (Will Arnett) are former party animals turned parents in this lovely NBC comedy. 
Why it's great: The cast! Arnett and Applegate are absolutely adorable and hilarious. Also, I clearly do not have children, but this show seems extremely grounded in reality. Yes, it shows how tiring and frustrating having children can be, but it also shows that people do it every day and do it well.
Where it needs improvement: Mya Rudolph is pretty dang annoying on this show and they use her way too much. You have such wonderful leads. Don't spoil it with an obnoxious supporting cast. Just because they were on SNL, doesn't mean they belong in the spotlight.

Premise: Jess, played by with adorable Zooey Deschanel), has recently broken up with her boyfriend and moved in with three strangers. The four new friends are now helping each other navigate through life and love together.
Why it's great: Zooey D is so quirky and wonderful. If you love awkward, quirky humor and breaking out into random song then you will love this show.
Where it needs improvement: The supporting cast could use a little help. Also, this isn't the shows fault, but Fox put a pause on airing the show during the MLB playoffs and I think it really hurt the show. It would probably be higher on my list, but honestly I haven't gotten to spend much time getting to know these characters over the past month.

American Horror Story
Premise: A dysfunctional family tried to get a fresh start by moving to LA. However, the house they move into is known as the murder house of old Hollywood and spooky things begin to happen once they are all settled in.
Why it's great: Once again, the cast. There are some real heavy hitter in this cast, which make the TV show feel live a movie. The stories are compelling and very creepy and for some reason I just can't stop watching it!
Where it needs improvement: The pilot episode was WAY too scary and sometimes I feel like the show is a little too creepy for me. Otherwise I give it an A+

Premise: It's the 1960s and ABC is trying to capitalize on the success of Mad Men by creating it's own period piece. This show follows a Pan Am crew around the globe and documents their stories and major world events of the 60s.
Why it's great: It's really not great. I don't know why I'm still watching it. I miss Mad Men.
Where it needs improvement: Where do I begin? The cast is a hot mess, although I do really like Colette, the fresh stewardess with a killer smile. Unlike Mad Men and Playboy Club, which organically incorporate major events of the 60s into their story line. Pan Am just throws them at you in hopes that they will stick. I'm sorry ABC, but this show just isn't going to cut it.

Wow, this took me much longer than I thought it would so I'm going to have to break this post up into two posts. I'll be back later to talk about returning shows and shows that I watched one episode of and said "forget about it!"

Tuesday, October 18, 2011

Super Star

I'm getting back to my picture blogging roots with this one kids. I took a day trip to the Ham (that's Birmingham for those of you who didn't know) last week and snapped a photo of this bad boy outside of a shopping center...
I was very tempted to park in this spot. It doesn't specify the qualifications of super stardom. Do I have to be an employee at this store? Is this spot reserved for Lady Gaga? Did I have to commit some monumental act of awesomeness? I guess I'll never truly know the answer. I like to think that we're all super stars, all of the time and that this spot is for anyone in need of a pick me up or pat on the back.

So, in the famous words of Santa from Mean Girls, I would like you all to give yourselves a big "You go Glenn CoCo!" because you're a super star and you deserve it!

Saturday, October 8, 2011

Smarty Pants

It only took me a year and 4 months, but I finally had my diploma framed and hung! I love the way Auburn's diplomas look. The seal makes them look so classy and I copied Clay's matting and had it outlined in a thin strip of orange surrounded by navy blue. I think it looks great and I can't wait until I have a real office to put it in!
Please excuse the glare. I never said I was an expert photographer.
In other diploma news, Clay got his diploma from UA in the mail a few weeks ago. You don't get your diploma on graduation day at UA, they mail it to you later. Lame. UA's diplomas are really small and boring. They are 8x11 (the size of a piece of printer paper) and don't have any pretty colors (yes, pretty colors are on my list of criteria for a good looking diploma). I'm a little disappointed that my MBA diploma is going to look like this...and be really tiny....