
Friday, April 27, 2012


Sometimes bad things happen. 

Sometimes horrific, terrible, frightening things happen. 

Things that don't make since. That make bring more questions than answers. Things that make you angry and scared. 

Sometimes these bad things bring out the absolute best in people.

They show you how wonderfully compassionate and caring people can be. 

They show you the resilience of the human spirit. 

They make your heart over flow with love for your neighbor. 

Sometimes bad things happen. When these things happen you have to remember them, no matter how painful or uncomfortable that may be. 

On the anniversary of the tornado that physically tore apart my state, I try to remember how the tornado brought my state together. I try to remember all of the beautiful, wonderful people I met. The people who traveled hundreds of miles to help, who sent donations from all over the country, and who donated lunch to volunteers.

Please say a little prayer today. 

Tuesday, April 24, 2012

Good News

I've got some good news! I have a plan for life after May 5th (I can't believe I'm graduating in a week and a half. Eek!) 

I found out last Thursday that I got accepted to Auburn's management PhD program and I officially accepted my offer today! So I'll be headed back to the plains this summer to start my program in the fall. 

This was a really difficult decision for me to make (you all know of indecisive I am!) and after much deliberation, I feel great about this decision and I cannot wait to get started on this new chapter in my life. 

P.S. I'm also not super bummed about leaving T-Town. Just sayin.  

Wednesday, April 18, 2012

Shameless Plug

Alright, I'm allowed 1 or 2 shameless plugs every once in a while, so here goes....

I don't know if any of you watch American Idol. I watched and enjoyed the first couple of seasons but quickly tired of it. Honestly, who has time to sit through 3 HOURS of the same show in one week (unless it's summer and SYTYCD is on. I'd sit through that for hours. But that's another story for another day). Anyway, I've been watching bits and pieces of American Idol this season because I know one of the contestants! 

Meet Skylar Laine!

 Skylar is my cousin's very serious girlfriend's sister. Ya follow? Skylar grew up in Brandon, MS, which is where my Mississippi cousins live and they have known her and her family since my cousin started dating her sister over 8 years ago. I met Skylar a few years ago at the Auburn vs Ole Miss game and talked to her about her singing career and her aspiration of moving to Nashville and becoming a country star. It was really inspiring. I always admire people who know what they want out of life and go for it, even if it's going to be an uphill battle. 

Flash forward 4 years, I hear that Skylar is trying out for American Idol and that I should watch the Texas auditions because she might be on. I watched, she was on, she has an excellent voice, she made it to Hollywood! Then she made it to the top 24 and now she's in the top 7! It's pretty amazing to think that out of the thousands of people to auditioned, she made it to the top 7. 

She is a country girl through and through and adds a little twang to every song she sings. From Whitney, to Billy Joel, to Barbara. It's been really fun watching her every week and having someone to cheer on and vote for. 

This week is a huge week for American Idol because the judges used their one save last week and most likely two people will be going home this week. Skylar needs all of the votes she can get (hence, this shameless plug!) so if you have a min or two tonight from 9-11 CST please go to and vote for Skylar. It doesn't take much time and you can vote up to 50 times! If you really have a lot of free time, you should watch the show! If not, just enjoy this clip of Skylar! 

Thursday, April 12, 2012


I feel ya, lil' man

It's been a rough week, kiddos, and I could use a few spare prayers or happy thoughts you have lying around. 

Thanks a bundle!

I love you all and TGIF! 

I'll be so happy when this week is over (oh, and next week too!)

My friend Emily, pinned this today and it was just what I needed to hear

Wednesday, April 4, 2012


I bought a basil plant yesterday! She's so cute and nice to look at and smells incredible. We'll see how this whole trying-to-keep-a-plant-alive thing goes. I tried to grow basil from seeds last year. I over watered it and the soil molded. I was devastated. Hopefully I can keep this cutey alive and well and enjoy her tasty leaves in my tomato soup and pasta sauce!

Yay basil!

Tuesday, April 3, 2012

Meet Me in St. Louis!

No, not the Judy Garland version.

Last weekend Clay and I with our friend Nick headed to St. Louis for Clay's music ed buddy, Stuart's wedding. Clay and Stuart are too very goofy people, so it's only natural that they became good friends and share more inside jokes than you could imagine.

Anyway, I'd never been to St. Louis and after a very sketching train ride to my hotel I wasn't sure I ever wanted to come back again. After spending a few hours sight seeing and hanging out with fun people, I warmed up to the city and we all had a really exhausting fun weekend!

Scary, stormy sky on our train ride in

 Me with one of the handsome groomsmen

 It's was a beautiful day to go see the sights! The sky was lovely.

The Arch is pretty darn cool. It's much taller than I expected

 The Mississippi
We ate lunch at this delicious oyster house and this fantastic band was there. I'm pretty sure they were all high out of their minds and the lead singer is wearing sweatpants. It was awesome.

This was a beautiful fountain in the lobby of the reception hall. So pretty. This is also when my camera died, so no pictures of the reception :(

Also, during the ceremony, the mom's accidentally lit the unity candle and then had a hilarious reaction to when they realized what they'd done. It was priceless. There is a video on facebook but I can't figure out how to link it up to this post. If I figure it out I'll let you guys know because it was wonderfully funny.