
Wednesday, May 28, 2014

Wroclaw treasures

Tommy Smith has stolen my laptop and I can't download the pictures from my real camera to the blog from my iPad so this will be a limited picture post. He leaves tomorrow (hopefully without my laptop) so I'll share some more pics then. In the meantime, you can check out the Facebook, Twitter, or Instagram for visuals.

We have made it to the halfway point in the trip and are now in Wroclaw, Poland. Wroclaw is a great university town that is kind of a hidden gem in European travel. It's the 4th largest city in Poland, only a few hours away from both Berlin and Prague, and has been named Europe's center of culture for 2015.

There are 4 universities, 120 churches, and over 150 bronze gnomes. That's right! I said gnomes. The locals call them dwarfs, but they really are little gnomes scattered all throughout the city. It's really fun to just stumble across them and today Daddy and I went searching for 'em. Each gnome is different and they all have some sort of significance or represent a historical event or group of people. For example, there are two little fire fighters outside of a church in the town square. They are fire fighters because that particular church has caught on fire 3 times. These gnomes are so stinking cute I can hardly handle it!

Outside of one do the universities is a little professor gnome. I wasn't with my dad when i first saw the little guy, but all of the people I was with decided it looked a lot like Tommy. When I took my dad back to see it, he really got a kick out of it. It's his new profile picture...

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