
Friday, August 29, 2014

Wedding Bells in T-Town

About a month ago Clay and I made a pilgrimage across the state of Alabama to a city we have very mixed feelings about -Tuscaloosa. As with all good Auburn fans, we have a natural aversion to the city that is home to the dreaded crimson tide. However, this city was our home for 2 years and did grow on us…a little. We both grew up a lot in T-Town. We finished our masters degrees, Clay got his first real job,  we experienced a life-altering, tragic event that allowed us to witness the beauty of a community coming together, and we met some pretty fantastic people and formed lovely, lasting friendships.

The reason for our first visit back to our former home was the wedding of some of those dear friends, Whitney and Parker. Whitney was in my MBA program and we became fast friends shortly after the program started. Whitney has a larger than life personality, a huge heart, and the mouth of a sailor! She’s hilarious, always up for a good time, a superb dancer, and a loving force. It was a joy watching her marry Parker in a gorgeous ceremony followed by a full-on dance party reception.  The event also gave me a chance to spend quality time with Stephanie who is my kindred spirit and was my lifeline throughout the MBA program. Many wishes of joy and love to Dr. and Dr! Here are some pictures from the weekend!

First up, a stop at our favorite little fruit stand in Chilton Co. 
We had to stop for peaches in Chilton Co.! 
 While in town, we hit up some of our favorite local restaurants and shops with our gracious host, Brad. We also stopped in  Dirt Cheap where Brad found this gem...

We ate breakfast at the famous Waysider Restaurant where I was tricked into eating Strip-O-Lean "bacon". The waitress warned me that it would be salty. That was HUGE understatement! It was inedible! But don't let that deter you from eating here. It's a Tuscaloosa must-do with AMAZING biscuits and grits.

Isn't it precious? Be warned though- every inch is full of Alabama memorabilia. 

Whitney and Parker are both PhDs in Chemistry. Smarty pants! The wedding was adorably chemistry themed.

My beau

My dear Stephanie. I love this girl!

 The reception was held in the Natural History Museum on Alabama's campus. It was beautiful and fit the scientist well.

MBA friends with the beautiful bride

This pretty much sums up our silly!

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