
Sunday, August 18, 2013

I'm back!

Long time, no see! 

So….you may have noticed that I’ve been MIA for the past year. I’m pretty bummed about the fact that I didn’t blog at all because a lot of really cool stuff happened last year. Here’s a nice little recap for you (I was also pretty bad at taking pictures).

I started a PhD program

I got my first official office (legit).

I got engaged!

Said PhD program was super hard  :( 
I attended a lot of awesome showers for my super sweet friend who were getting married and having babies

 I attended a few of my own showers

I started taking Pure Barre classes

I finished the first year of school (praise the Lord! This stuff is hard!)

I got married!

I went to Europe!

I taught my first class (scary!)

I started blogging again (let’s hope this one sticks!)

Anyway, I just wanted to say that I’m back! I’ll flush all of these events out in more detail later on, but for now you can hop on over to my husband's (yippee!) new, awesome website and check out my weekly TV column (if you’re into that sort of thing).

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